Everyone should have access to safe, respectful, and dignified maternal care.

Birthing Stories

Watch two powerful short films showcasing the remarkable efforts of leaders in the fight for equitable Black maternal healthcare.

Access to supportive, dignified healthcare during pregnancy should be a basic right. Across the country, birth justice organizations are making this a reality. They center the voices of Black, Indigenous, and other birthing people of color to build networks, shift narrative to help others understand and address the root causes of maternal health inequities, spread solutions from the community, and build power to change failed systems and policies.

Ancient Song


Ancient Song is a national birth justice organization working to eliminate maternal and infant mortality and morbidity among Black and Latinx people. They provide doula training and services, offer community education, and advocate for policy change to support reproductive and birth justice.

Commonsense Childbirth


Commonsense Childbirth’s mission is to inspire change in maternal child healthcare systems; to re-empower the birthing mother, father, family, and community by supporting the providers, practitioners, and agencies that are charged with their care. 

In 2017, financial data revealed that of the $66.9 billion in philanthropic given, only 0.5% was made available to women and girls of color.

Report cover for Ms. Foundation for Women report cover: Living With Pocket Change

How Women and Girls of Color Do More with Less

The Ms. Foundation for Women published a report which explored the landscape, limitations, and challenges of funding for organizations run by and for women and girls of color. The report highlights the importance of funding organizations led by women and girls of color and also of providing the space and support necessary to foster relationship building, healing, and collective power throughout the field.

Photo credit: Ms. Foundation for Women

When we invest in grassroots organizations and movements that center the voices and experiences of women and girls of color, we protect and build upon decades of progress.

—Ms. Foundation for Women

Improving Birth Outcomes for All

Short on time? Dive into our three-part series on two RWJF birth justice grantees, Ancient Song and Commonsense Childbirth. These grantees alongside other birth justice organizations are providing wraparound support and care to women and birthing people through all stages of pregnancy, which includes training doulas and midwives to ensure that everyone has access to culturally competent and compassionate care. (Total watch time: 3 minutes)